A SELF-INTRODUCTION VIDEO is a two-minute video on your web site, social-network page or online directory listing. We videotape an interview with you answering questions about your business, your interests and your expertise. You can introduce yourself, your company, your products, services or worthy causes. We videotape some "b-roll" images to illustrate your comments, then we edit, add graphics, encode and upload your video. FULL SERVICE PRODUCTION.
This is the best possible way to project your personality, style and sincerity to the world. People who only "know OF you" will feel they "KNOW YOU" after a short visit with your self-introduction video.
Relationships must be earned and won. That critical moment when a prospective customer, client, patient or colleague looks you in the eye and develops a personal trust is the moment when a they feel free to have a business relationship with you.
A personal self-introduction on the web is an essential element in the marketing toolkit of every professional. Success is based on building new relationships, and now you can be in a million places, on demand, any time of day.